When taking the leap of faith, sometimes you just need to listen to King Moe. Her story inspires and empowers people around the globe, and she showcases how there is more to life than just living for the day-to-day. How living a life with purpose can change your perspective in a positive way and providing yourself the permission to truly be happy.If you have not met her yet, she is a personal branding photographer but spends her spare time sharing her story. She plants seeds of empowerment for all people of all places. She is also the creator of the “Love your-selfie movement”, which is so much more than being vain, but rather teaching about self-love and showing up for your community authentically.As a teenager, King Moe, loved shooting and styling. She would dress her cousins up and absolutely enjoyed the process. In her professional life, she spent 13 and a half years in corporate doing stuff she did not enjoy. This planted the seed in her brain to step up and step out of her comfort zone to be in business for herself.One day, she had a personal change of her own. “I was hospitalized, and I had major surgery, and I was laying on my back for 8 – 10 weeks. I had to face myself and I had a lot of time to think”. This time gave her the chance to think about how there is more to life than living unhappy.“I remember these hot tears rolling down my face, and I am here to do more than just go to a job and get paid”. This time in her life was in 2011, and she knew she was here for something more. During this time, she researched the word “Purpose” on Google.“Purpose driven life came up that led me to wanting to do something that fills me up.” She explains this was the catalyst to the change that led her to where she is today. She continues to explain how she had all the items you could think of that makes up the regular lifestyle of what people consider “success”. The house, the car, the salary – all of which still caused an empty void due to her not living in her purpose. Many things like distractions were causing her to look for instant satisfaction to fill that void.Fast forward to a year later, she picks up her camera and she decides make photography a fun hobby. Then, one of her friends asks her if she would consider doing photography full time. She planted this seed in her head and the day when her corporate job gave that pink slip, she had her camera at work with her. It was almost a symbol, as before she was called up to HR, she was on her break taking pictures of the rose bushes in front of her building.

“When I got the call from HR, I went upstairs, and I shook their hand happily. It was like freedom.” She took this opportunity to be in business for herself and it has been a positive adventure ever since. As a big dreamer, people did not really understand. At the time, she left a lifestyle people were used to. This way, she could find what makes her truly happy. She wanted to do things that served her, and that personal growth journey has gotten her to where she is today.When speaking with Monique, a big question asked was what advice she had to other women who may put themselves on the backburner and forget about their own goals.“I am a permission giver. I give permission to all women to put themselves first, to do the things that fills them up. You have to put yourself first and you cannot pour out of an empty cup.” Monique mentions how this culture has told us to put others first and ourselves last. Everyone that meets her always gets this message of validation to seek her happiness to live life on their own terms. She took huge leaps of faith and it was still something she had to do for herself so that she does not lose herself.Monique is a huge inspiration in the business community, and is a reminder that sometimes, it is not about the materialistic items. It is about living your life with purpose so that you can truly enjoy the journey and adventure every single day.

Be sure to follow King Moe on Social media @reinvention_with_intention or visit her website https://www.moniquefloyd.com/