When it comes to social media for small business owners, there are similar challenges. That is why today, we have gone over our top 8 tips for small business owners and entrepreneurs with tactical and tangible advice you can use on an everyday basis.Tip 1: Create S.M.A.R.T goalsSMART is an acronym that stands for Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Relevant and Time-based.Many times, when working with business owners, we notice that they may have business goals, revenue goals and sales goals, but not necessarily social media marketing goals. The goal of marketing is to work collaboratively with the whole organization to create a streamlined lead-generation process for your sales funnel. When business owners lack goals for their social media, they usually feel overwhelmed not knowing what or when to post. That is why setting up these goals are important.There are a variety of goals you can strive for such as brand awareness and engagement. Let us say you have a sales goal of $100,000 in a year. Working backwards from that goal to understand how many times you would like to post and how many direct messages you’d need to receive to get those leads is a great way to create those specific and measurable goals.Tip 2: Create a social media toolkit

We understand that as business owners, your time is limited. Doing the work up-front now to create templates on Canva.com or other websites can really help down the road to maintain consistency while saving time when content creating. Once you know your goals and the content you want to put out, finding photos and videos can be daunting. That is why having these templates on hand to do quotes, Instagram Stories, YouTube covers, IGTV covers can really save your administrative time as the busy entrepreneur.A few things to include in this toolkit are:

Tip 3: Create Searchable Content

What is searchable content you may be wondering? How many times you’ve typed into Google, Pinterest and YouTube the following:

When you create searchable content, you are answering your potential clients frequently asked questions that may pose as a barrier from buying from you. To come up with these questions we recommend going to www.answerthepublic.com and typing in your business, niche or industry. There, you get to see the top questions people are asking. Your job on social media is to answer these questions and create trust with your customers in a fun and organic way.Tip 4: Create a mind map for your vision

When we meet with our clients, we notice that they are visionaries. They strive to make the world a better place and they are big-picture thinkers. However, with these ideas can come overwhelm, especially when you are thinking about all your ideas at once.Using a tool like www.Mindmeister.com to put all your marketing, branding, and social media ideas in one place will provide you clarity on what is a priority and what is not. When working with us, we mention the 80/20 rule, where 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your efforts. That is why it is important to create this mind map and focus in on income producing activities. As a busy entrepreneur, your time is valuable, so focus in on the areas you can handle right now and start planning on how you will scale to implement your other ideas down the road that are not a priority.Tip 5: Make Time for EngagementWe always say that social media is meant to be social. Creating an authentic community online requires to sides of the relationship. That is why commenting and engaging with other people’s profiles are very important.For this, we recommend the 10/10/5 rule. Where every day for 15 minutes a day on all your social media platforms, you do 10 likes, 10 comments and 5 shares or direct messages. It does not necessarily mean that you have to comment for a long period of time. Rather, choosing to show up consistently with the 10/10/5 rule will show your audience that you are present on social media and there to answer any questions they may have, turning them into loyal brand advocates.Tip 6: Focus your energy on Video Content

Video content is something that is very under-utilized because many thinks that you need a fancy DSLR and an expensive video editing tool. But using tools like www.veed.io to create captions and your phone to film videos really go a long way. As humans, we are used to seeing movement. The idea of a video is so that people get to know, like, and trust the face behind the brand. Also, video content is great because you can cut it up into smaller bite size pieces, thus stretching your content over a longer period, which then saves you time in the long run.Tip 7: Streamline your Processes and ProceduresIf you are handling your social media internally, having proper processes and procedures will streamline your work activity to make sure you show up consistently every single day. Some of the tools we’d recommend are www.planoly.com or www.later.com which are scheduling tools to organize your Instagram Grid, post on the ideal times of the day, and schedule your stories.Tip 8: Venture into new social media platformsFacebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms we hear about when working with small business owners. However, there is huge potential to look at other platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and TikTok. If managing too many accounts looks like a daunting experience, choose one that you think would align with your business and your business goals. The idea is to drive more traffic to your website and go into an emerging audience that are searching for your content online.The goal for us at the end of the day is to save you time while seeing your business grow organically online. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out at .If you haven’t yet, definitely check out our Social Media Planner, to create a solid plan for your social media in this easy to follow journal:https://yeg-marketing-ltd.square.site/